Tuesday, May 10, 2011


April 2 is a day thats left prints in my soul. Not only because yes, it was conference and who doesn't love being spiritualy uplifted, but because it was the start to a very long, and ongoing journey. On April 18th, i was admitted into the hospital and left 5 days later with no answers. Countless prayers came my way, and trust me, i felt them all by how much peace i had felt through each test i pursued. I was miserable, but yet at the same time felt so much peace and love, and knew everything was alright. I kept asking myself, what do i need to learn from this? Why am i going through yet another difficult trial? Sureee your all thinking come on chels.. Throwing up whatever you eat is definately great for loosing weight but trust me on this one ladies. it. gets. old. Needless to say, after 5 weeks of no answers, and 4 doctors saying they think its a psychological issue i got pretty discouraged and lost sight of hope for the future. What ifs started rolling around. What if i can't graduate because i'm missing so much school. What if i can't go to BYU this summer for the time of my life. What if i do go to BYU this summer and throw up every 5 seconds in class. What if i am crazy and it is in my head. We decided to try one last test on my gall bladder before giving up and claiming i have mental issues and monday bright and early i went in for a pretty lengthy test. My tech guy kept telling me "Chels, i can tell your a tough girl. But this last test is going to be a rough one. I'm talking child birth and kidney stones rough. You're going to want to curl up in a ball, but its super important to hold still. You're going to feel nauseated beyond belief, but i promise it'll only last ten minutes." Prayers are a beautiful thing at a time like this, let me tell ya. After it was over, i went straight to school. During seminary, my teacher asked me how the results were and i told him i wouldnt know for another 2 hours. Not ten seconds later did i get a text from my beautiful mother, saying "Your test was abnormal! It's your gall bladder!" Relief burned my soul. Did i really just get my answer? I'm really not crazy? I looked over at my teacher with tears in my eyes, SO grateful for this trial, and SO grateful for an answer. And of course being a girl i spent the next hour crying tears of happiness, with the fullest heart possible. I got a blessing that night from the dad i claim, Gregg Scoresby. He blessed me with the most beautiful things and left me knowing the lesson i needed to learn. Patience. Through trials, we obtain patience.  "For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised". Hebrews 10: 36. I know the Lord will bless me because of the patience i've had to bear. I know patience is greatly needed in my life. I don't know how my life will be in twenty years, but i know through this trial he will bless me with something that will require the patience i have obtained through this fork in my road. I still have to face surgery and the struggles that it'll bring physically and emotionally, but i mean come on. I have rods in my back remember? This is nothing i can't handle. Life is beautiful guys. Remember that.


  1. you are one tough little cookie chels, but i absolutely love you & admire you!!

  2. It's great that you got an answer! You are sooo amazing and strong! I'm so excited to add your blog to my blogroll :)

  3. So happy to hear you are doing well! Can't wait to read more blogposts. :)
